About the Consultation
If you decide to discover more about our Home Improvement Products and services, a CTHandiMan Professional Product Specialist will visit your home to provide you and your family additional information and a free no-obligation estimate. This visit will take place at a time and date that is convenient for you.
Through the years we found that on our visit meeting with all the property home owners we develop a strong trusting comfort level. This is why we like to meet with both home owners. So when our Product Specialist visits, he or she will be able to show you firsthand what makes CTHandiman Home Improvement Products the best choices for your home. You will be able to ask any question – so when you’re ready to make a buying decision we want you to make an informed decision about purchasing any of our products. We believe that Knowledge Is Power.
Our Product Specialists have been trained to take careful measurements of your existing products in order to provide you with an accurate estimate of the cost to replace them with energy-efficient CTHandiman products. We can also provide you with an estimate of the money you will save on home heating costs, simply by installing CTHandiMan green energy products. Our customers find that their visit with a CTHandiman Product Specialist is informative, enlightening – even entertaining!
Thanks again for inviting us in…